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5 Clear Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Vape Coil

5 Clear Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Vape Coil

5 Clear Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Vape Coil

Your coil is a crucial part of your vape that is responsible for letting you taste the flavours of your e-juice. Whether you crave the fruity combination of guava and apple of Dat Good Stuff e-juice or the delicate fusion of strawberry cream of Death by Bunny vape flavour, you must clean and change your coil regularly to maximize the quality of your vaping.

Changing your vape coil regularly depending on your usage is essential in maintaining the quality of your vaping experience and ensuring that your every hit and puff hit the right spot. Since your coil tends to burn out easily, you need to keep it in tip-top shape and determine correctly if it’s time to replace it with a new one. Here are some signs that tell you your vape coil needs to be changed soon:

1. Your vape produces a burnt taste

The most common sign that your vape coil has already gone bad is if you notice a burnt taste in your mouth while you are vaping. This is true regardless of the kind of e-juice that you are using. When this happens, make sure to change the coil immediately as this can cause damage to your e-cigarette even before you know it.

2. Your vape creates gurgling sounds

More often than not, your e-cigarette making gurgling noises involves your vape coil. To resolve this problem, you need to replace the coil. You may consider going to a vape shop near you for repair if the noises continue even after the replacement.

3. You haven’t changed your vape coil in a long time

The frequency of your vape coil replacement depends largely on your vape usage. Vape coils usually last for a week up to one month depending on how often you vape. You may also take into account if your e-cigarette leaks, creates noises, or produces a burnt or different taste to determine if it is already time to change your vape coil.

4. Your e-cigarette leaks

A leaking e-cigarette can be caused by worn-out rings, an overflow of your tank, or a damaged vape coil. Fix this problem right away by inspecting your coil and see if it looks burnout. If it does, then you have to change it as soon as possible.

5. Your e-liquid tastes different

Your vape juice lets you make your vaping experience even more enjoyable. If you notice that the e-liquid you have been using for some time suddenly changes its taste, then you need to consider replacing your vape coil and check if doing this regulates the flavour.

Meanwhile, if you are searching for high-quality e-liquid in Eltham that will elevate your vaping experience to a whole new level, then you have come to the right place. Come see the outstanding items that we offer.


Your vape coil plays a major role in your entire vaping experience. This can make or break your comfort and satisfaction, which is why you have to take care of it and maintain its excellent condition at all times. Don’t forget to use this guide to help you assess the right time to replace your vape coil.

Vapin Loud is a reputable vape shop in Greenwich in London that offers a wide selection of vape full kits, mods, tanks, coils, accessories, and more. Contact us to place your order!

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